Sunday 28 April 2024

US intervention in
forming Lebanon government


Qodsna (Tehran) – Concurrently with the dead-end of the talks about determining maritime borders between Lebanon and the Zionist regime and Tel Aviv's accusation against Beirut in changing the direction of the talks, it seems that the talks are doomed to fail. At the same time, recent talks between Lebanese President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister Saad Hariri have been obstructed by external elements, which should be addressed in different ways, according to Elnashra Online Website.


- Washington has threatened that it will sanction Hariri if Lebanon does not meet the American conditions in forming a cabinet.

- Hezbollah or its affiliated individuals cannot have a place in the future government.


Given the situation, Saad Hariri is in the middle of a complicated crisis and he is worried about being sanctioned by the United States.


A source has reported on the condition of being anonymous that none of the US conspiracies against Hezbollah has had a positive result, and all of US efforts against resistance have been failed.


The source didn’t reject future sanctions against Lebanese officials but stressed that the resistance axis in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon will stand against all Western plans.

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